💥Here is the truth: You already ARE an expert.💥

💥Here is the truth: You already ARE an expert.💥

The solution is to step into the badass expert you already are.

Are you thinking, “Well Amanda that sounds good and fine. But how do I do that?” 🤔

It depends on what Phase you are at in business.

💯There are 3 Phases of Business

The Universe (Angel, Spirit, God, Goddess) gives advice on each of these phases and your expertise within them.

You are thinking about starting your business or have just started it. There is a lot of energy shifting within you to step into business full-time. You are learning to trust yourself.

This is also the phase were you are finalizing your expertise. Having studied and taken many courses and certifications to this point.

📋Phase 1
You have just started your business. You have a big learning curve when it comes to outward actions and most of your time and energy is spent in this area (building a website, Facebook page, etc).

This is where a woman can get caught up in thinking she needs one more certificate to tell people that she is an expert.

The Universe warns you to not go into, “I need just one more certificate to show that I know what I’m doing…” at this point.

The Universe asks you to focus on your business actions and reminds you to come back to your heart center.

📋Phase 2

You earn up to 250K a year.

While there are certain movements and expansions at the 50k, 75k, and 100k mark, you still fall into this overarching category.

The Universe shows that you have a balance of outward business actions and inward growth.

Your energy is aligning to your TRUE path (The one you and The Universe made before you were born). Which means you are nitching down and refining your business offerings.

Women here tend to KNOW in their center that they are an expert. But the ego-mind may tell them they need, “Just one more program, course, “ etc. to be seen as an expert. This is coming from fear.

The guides show to keep returning to your center and to only take another certification program if it moves your business into consistent cash and clients. NOT because you fear that you are missing something.

This is the Phase where I help women in my entry programs

📋Phase 3

You are consistently at the mid and high 6 Figure mark of income.

You are solid in who you are, your expertise, how to run your business and you are ready for the next step.

All of the energy alignment in Phase 2 has allowed for paradigm and dimensional shifts to be set up for you to receive and you are ready.

There is more energetic work at this point as well as business structure shifting (an action step) taking place for women.

YOU are literally letting The Universe move through you.

This is the Phase where I help women in my Elite Program

Or you can ignore this and do it the hard way:
Take one more course. One more program. Let your ego-mind run the show as you try to avoid the fear and prove you are an expert. Piling certificate after certificate on your vision board and not diving in to do The Work.

Truth: YOU are already an expert ✨!

4 Keys to 7 Figures

Use your own intuition and be guided by The Universe, on your own unique path to 7 Figures! Grab your copy HERE.